Tapi petang tadi ada meeting... lama pulak. 7.30pm baru habis. Cepat2 solat maghrib and terus zoom into town. Luckily traffic was good. Found parking right next to the entrance and went straight to Level 4. As I entered the restaurant, nampak kepala2... but couldn't make out the faces. I wasn't wearing my glasses... Then I saw Normy, and Azmah, and Momz, and Yanie, and Skinner. A grin was my immediate reaction. Riuh sekejap ;) Dah lama tak jumpa Normy and Azmah... must have been at least 2 years.
We chatted while waiting for the rest... and then we saw a familiar looking face. "Tasha!" all of us jerit simultaneously. Agaknya the waiter tu kalau tengah angkat pinggan boleh terjatuh sebab terkejut dengar our richter scale shouts. Tasha was an unexpected turnout... and for most of us, the last time we saw her was 15 years ago. Rubie followed behind her. Hugs and air kisses were flying everywhere :)
Not long after that Mymot sampai, with Peah, Rose and Geema in tow. That was when things really became LOUD, hehe... Who wouldn't when you're meeting people for the first time in 15 years. I knew that Rose and Geema were coming... but the others didn't. So it was a pleasant surprise for them :)
Agaknya the waiter and waitress kat situ sure dah pening tengok us ladies behaving like ditzy schoolgirls. Actually, we did feel like ditzy schoolgirls, hehe... walaupun most are already moms and one was actually pregnant. Girls will be girls and us TKC girls are known to make lots of noise whenever we meet ;) I felt a bit guilty kat a couple who was seated next to us. If they were planning on a quiet, romantic dinner they can forget about it. There was no way that we can adjust our volume control, haha.
Dalam ramai2 tu, cuma I sorang je from red house and Momz was the sole representative from yellow. Blue had the most with 6 while green had 4. There were four doctors in attendance, one architect, one banker, one engineer, one HR manager, one project manager, one PR officer, one student affair coordinator and moi. We studied all over the world... kat Malaysia, Canada, USA, Egypt, UK, Australia.
We makan and borak and exchange plates and borak and minum and borak... sampai lah kedai tutup. While we were yakking, the chef passed by our table and wished us goodnight. Actually they had tutup the pintu half way when we finally realised that it's time to leave so that the staff can go home, haha. Tapi sebelum keluar still sempat ask the waiter to take photos for us... 5 cameras in total! Sabar je lah dia, hehe...
Still belum puas, we continued borak2 kat luar kedai... tengah2 foyer tu. While we were lingering, a stream of shop assistants came down the escalator... semua dah nak balik rumah. We all je yang still *lupa daratan*, haha. But our cue came when we saw the security guards pulak dah turun buat their rounds.
With great reluctance we said our au revoirs (and not goodbyes because we do aim to meet again), exchanged hugs, kisses and phone numbers. Hopefully it won't be too long before we get to meet again.
I'm so happy that the gathering turned out well... much more than what I had anticipated. Good food with great company... always the perfect mix!
The menu @ The Loaf...
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