Tadi masa sahur dah wish Abg... while his eyes were still half shut, heheh. Tadi tengahari after facial kat Hartamas Shopping Centre went to cari cake for him. Lit the candles and nyanyi... tapi makan was delayed until malam. Puasa maaa... He finally decided what he wanted for his birthday (better get him something he wants/needs than I pening2 fikir what to get for him) and we shall go get the thing soon... before he starts work at the end of the month.
Our house is as old as Abg... moved here masa Mama still dlm confinement. Almost a quarter of a century ago... lama tu!! If all goes well, this house will soon be mine... bersama2 dgn my first real financial obligation. The room renovation would start after Raya... if Wak keeps up with his promise. I've already cari all the things I need... the new windows, built-in wardrobe, furniture, lighting, bathroom tiles, glass doors... tinggal nak buat the actual work je. This should be fun :) Nanti I'll have enough space to display all the treasures I've collected from my travels. Banyak jugak tu... now they're all terperuk dlm cupboard. With the new room I should also be able to host slumber parties with the girls... that would be fun!!
Malam ni buka puasa kat Rebung, hosted by Linda and Mizlan who would be leaving for the US after Raya. So lama tak jumpa Linda... bila jumpa terus had a long big hug. I miss having her around in the office. We used to have all these girly chats and poring over handbags, jewelry etc etc. Linda is the best girly girlfriend :)
Quite nice the food kat situ... my favourites were the murtabak & nasi kerabu. Liza said that the daging salai and paru2 goreng cili were also nice, but by the time I pergi ambik food, dah takde. Macam2 juadah ada but tak larat nak try semua. I had 8 glasses of drinks... sirap, cincau, cendol, limau barley, teh tarik, haha... and I was still thirsty! Masa tgh cedok air, Chef Ismail came to me and said "Hi Kak Basha", I turned and he realised that he had the wrong person, "Eh sorry, I thought you were someone else". Hmm... I wonder lah what Kak Basha and I share in common. My suspicion is the *size*. Eay... but I think I've lost some inches lah this Ramadan. Clothes a bit looser, hehe... Lepas habis puasa enam nanti kena start exercising.
Also met Syaz and Mije kat Rebung... of all places lah kan. Syaz said that she'll also be spending Raya in KL. She informed that Toot is now pregnant... 2 months. Bunting pelamin perempuan tu. We bumped into Mije masa tgh queue nak ambik wudhu (I've learnt my lesson from Tamarind Springs... pergi sembahyang cepat2). Mije tak ingat Syaz... ye lah, dia senior maa. Mije now works at the same organisation with me, so I see her quite often.
Tadi Mama pergi ambikkan my new baju from Maggie, our favourite tailor. Yeay... got baju raya!! Tak plan pun to have it for Raya, tapi since dah siap, boleh lah pakai :) And petang tadi got a message that the baju yang hantar sulam kat Jakarta pun dah siap. Yippee!! Now I have 3 new bajus to choose from. So besok pagi we'll head to Kelana Jaya... tak sabar nak tengok how it turned out. Hopefully they'll be pretty :)
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