Mantze arrived early (I was still in the office when she sms-ed to say that she was already at Signature) and got a table with a view... facing the KLCC fountain. Perfect! When I finally went to the carpark, Mymot pulak sms kata she's at M&S. Alamak... it was 6.20pm and I had promised to meet them at 6.30pm. But by some miracle, I did reach KLCC at 6.30pm... just as promised :) Skinner was still in office when I finally got hold of her and said that she'll join us after solat Maghrib, while Momz had to travel all the way from Sri Pentas.
My dinner was a tasty spaghetti meatball marinara, Mantze had a lebanese rice dish with meatballs while Mymot had nasi dgn tomyam, which tasted like curry. When Skinner arrived, she had nasi minyak (yg dah diangan-angankan since naik taxi) and Momz had teppanyaki. That's the beauty of going to a foodcourt... apa2 nak pun ada :) Oh, and we also had rojak buah yg tak sedap.
Momz brought with her the cutest of cupcakes that she got from her colleagues... a birthday celebration and thank you. Why thank you, we asked her... and she said they're thanking her for joining the organisation. Waa... bagusnya, join kerja pun dpt thank you, hehe...
After dinner, us girls went for a spot of shopping :) Momz wanted to check out shoes kat Vincci... takde yg menarik. Next to M&S... tengok2 je lah. And finally to Primavera. It was on sale and soooo many pretty shoes! Unfortunately yg I suka takde size... nothing new. I've not bought a pair of shoes in Malaysia for ages... having a size 10 feet is a bane. Momz found the prettiest shoes which was on half price and Skinner spotted a gorgeous pair of maroon slingback. Alaa... why lah can't they have another size up. The largest Primavera was size 9, hmph. Nasib baik lah kat situ they also sold Clarks and by some miracle they had my size!! Although they were not on sale, I did get myself a pair of tan pumps. They're nice but not as lawa as Momz and Skinner punya... jealous!
Satisfied with our purchases, we then headed for Starbucks. None of us wanted to go home yet... and there's still plenty more of those cute cupcakes :)
Over latte, frappe & hot chocolate Momz told us abt her buka puasa bersama artis gig yesterday... "make sure you watch Melodi this weekend" she reminded us. Sambil bercerita pasal artis tu, terkeluarlah cerita abt the fiancee of a recently engaged actress/singer... he pernah usha Che Li masa kat US dulu. Hmm... I think Che Li is waaay prettier and classier. Momz kata Che Li dah berhenti kerja kat AirAsia and is now pregnant.
Talking about puasa, the conversation of course lah masuk bab raya. Since all of us datang dari negeri yang berbeza, semua cerita about the dishes that they would have on raya day. Org Kedah kata for them it's gulai, nasi impit, nasi, laksa. Org Penang punya is ketupat, rendang ayam, gulai daging. It's obligatory nasi dagang for org Terengganu. I tak ingat pulak org Kelantan punya menu apa. While for my family it would be nasi impit, rendang, kuah kacang and lodeh. Meriahnya... if only I have the ability to go from one place to another in a blink mcm genie... boleh makan macam2, hehe!
Ntah mcm mana from talking abt raya, we ended up talking about upcoming shows. I'm assigned to get tickets for Chicago. Momz kena carikan ticket or get access to the full dress rehearsal of Romie a.k.a P. Ramlee The Musical. While Mymot will get us tickets for MPO concert "Hollywood comes to MPO". November is going to be cultural month! I'm all excited about the MPO concert... the last one I attended was when they did a Harry Potter & Magical Creatures special. It was good! Sambil tu Mymot sempat pesan kat Momz... kalau ada any special shows/taping involving anak lelaki Pak Zain, jgn lupa get seats for us :) Bila lagi nak make use of her influence at the most popular TV station kan...
Continued to borak2 until Momz alerted me that my phone was ringing... it was my dad, "Belum nak balik lagi ke?" Oopss... tak perasan that it was already past 11pm ;) "Kejap lagi lah Pa..." We finally left around 11.30. Hugs and muah-muahs exchanged, we all headed home. I hanter Skinner balik while Mymot, Momz and Mantze balik together since they all live in the same kawasan.
On the way, my phone rang again. The caller ID indicated that it was *home sweet home*. Double oopss... kalau dah second call tu sure Mama on the other side. "Skinner.. you angkat lah, tell her I'm driving" That's the strategy to avoid from receiving a *speech* from my mom, hehe... "Hi Aunty... dia tgh drive. Ya.. dah nak balik dah, dia hantar Skinner dulu". Nasib baik lah ada Skinner, who used her charm on Mama... selamat I, hehe!
The day turned out well indeed :)
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