One thing about attending family weddings is that you get to meet A LOT of family members. I was really looking forward to that. Some of them I haven't met for a while, whilst others I just met last week. Apa2 pun I know that some uncles, aunties, cousins and their families are travelling down from Perak for the wedding.
My mom ramai adik beradik... 7 siblings: Wan Cho, Ayah Ngah, Ayah Uda, Wan 'Ah, Wan Chik, my mom, Che Peni and Mak Chuwah. And many cousins. Orang selalu kata that I look like my arwah Wan Cho. I angguk je lah everytime I hear it because I don't exactly recall how she looks like. She's many years older than my mom. By the time I besar and boleh ingat, she was already in her 50s. So how did she looked like when she was young? I don't know... Maybe I should ask my cousins for her old photos. I wasn't very close to her... everytime pergi Kuala Kangsar pergi lah visit tapi that was about it.
Wan Cho passed away 11 years ago... 3 days after my Opah passed away. I was in Melbourne masa tu. I remember calling home tapi takde orang angkat. My routine weekly call. Tried pagi, petang, 2 days in a row... no answer. This was before handphone time, so there's no other way I could contact them. I was getting kinda worried. I finally called my neighbour (whom I also call Opah coz her cucu call her that) and asked about my family's whereabouts. That was when I heard about my Opah's passing. My family had gone home to Teluk Intan for the funeral. I cuma boleh baca yasin je lah untuk disedekahkan for my Opah. My mom called me 2 days later and told me that Wan Cho pun meninggal. Hence the delay in coming back to KL coz the entire family had travelled up to Kuala Kangsar pulak for her funeral. Now my mom's adik beradik tinggal 5 orang. Wan 'Ah passed away several years back due to cerebral aneurism.
My uncles and aunties tu pun mostly have big families.
> Wan Cho has 11 kids - K Ore, Abg Shuib, K Kama, Abg Man, K Sue and others that my mind escapes me at this moment
> Ayah Ngah has 5 with wife #1 (K Dud, Abg Ee, Abg Mur, K Fuzi, Najib); and 3 with wife #2.
> Ayah Uda's also has 5 - I lupa the eldest punya nama, K Ana, the twins Asrul & Asril and Alia.
> Wah 'Ah has 3 - Abg Udi, Abg Jamal & K Nor (arwah)
> Wan Chik has Cholan, K Edah, Che Mi, K Yang, Bita, Azli and Midah... so that's 7.
> Mama has 4 - moi, Ina, Abg and Amt.
> Che Peni has Shahril, Ima, Elin, Iwan and Khalida
> Mak Chuwah's children are Azizi, Fiza, Nisa and Apiq.
So in total I have 39 cousins!! The youngest is Khalida, 9, and the eldest is close to 60 if I'm not mistaken. And most of them are married with kids... I've lost count how many anak sedaras I have because the numbers are just piling, hehe. So you can just imagine how havoc it can be when they come over to the house. Tapi rarely do all come at one go... but 1/2 of the clan je pun dah quite a crowd.
Itu belum dicampur dengan my mom's cousins yang agak ramai juga. We're quite close to some of them like Wan Wok, Pakcik Tajudin, Pakcik Hamid... Actually nya truthfully, I'm kinda lost in the extended family web. Not sure which is pangkat pakcik, atok, cousin etc. Tak kisah lah... semua pun sedara.
So back to the event... We arrived at Dewan TTDI Jaya around 12.45pm. Ayah Ngah and his family were already there. Not long after that, the others pulak sampai. Semua adik beradik my mom datang. As for cousins... not all made it, but most were there. Yang duduk KL memang semua ada lah. Abg Mur, his wife K Ruby and their daughter Sofia came from JB; Bita and her family came down from Taiping; Abg Ee, K Ina and kids came from Ipoh. Even Kila (K Fuzi's daughter) who is currently studying abroad came... she's back for Raya break.
Meriah sungguh lah... I think the family was more excited about seeing each other than the wedding itself, hehe.
Kalau perhati the photos, you'll see that the family shares one particular trait... Kalau dah memang keturunan, nak buat macam mana kan? ;)
Lepas the wedding, my family ikut Ayah Ngah's family pergi beraya kat rumah K Ruby in Kg Melayu Subang. Had soto yang sangat sedap and rempeyek!! Rempeyek is my favourite, being half Jawa and all ;) Also cookies yang sedap bangat yang di-import from JB. Next year nak order kuih raya dgn K Ruby lah.
K Ruby also showed pix of their newly renovated home. Both K Ruby and Abg Mur are architects... so you can just imagine lah how nice their house is. It's the perfect marriage of glass and wood, traditional and modern... ada wakaf and small pool, open, airy, green - my kind of dream house!
I'm definitely going to consult them with my room renovations :)
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