I just love the sounds of a full orchestra... it's so amazing. Hearing the instruments playing off each other... each with their own role to complement the whole... harmonious, beautiful!
The excitement builds as the music is played crescendo... when they play pianissimo it soothes and tickles the ears... and the heart just pumps when it is played forte. Brilliant... simply brilliant!
Why goosebumps during first half je? Coz after intermission lagi banyak menyanyi punya lagu. Don't get me wrong... they were nice as well, especially Goldeneye. But my favourites were the ones sans singing... the compositions were richer. Kenapa lah I don't attend these more often? I would really love to and should... tapi going by myself won't be fun. And nak cari orang yang suka tak ramai...
This week is a *culture* week for me. Last Wednesday pergi tengok Chicago with Ina, Momz, Skinner, Mymot... Sabine pun ada. That was also fun. I think it was more entertaining than My Fair Lady.
Eh... I've just realised, today marks genap 2 bulan I ber-blog. Didn't think that it would last this long. My life has been so blah these past few years, I was seriously wondering whether I'd have anything to menceceh about. Well... as you readers can obviously see, I can menceceh quite ok... too much at times, hehe.
Life hasn't been so blah these past 2 months. I've discovered and rediscovered...
How interesting life is depends entirely on what you're willing to do... time is never an issue, unless if you make it an issue. Embrace... explore... chase your dreams, even if things don't go as planned. For a while, I thought I was having a mid-life crisis. Nope... I just wasn't *living*
I've rekindled my love for music. Since buying that speaker for my PC kat office, I've been humming and singing... pelan-pelan je lar ;) I'm still crappy at singing and will always be... I have no problems with that :) Cuma the listeners lah *pedih telinga*, hehe. Listen at your own peril... Not too long ago MrB made a comment "you kan tak dengar lagu Melayu". I've reflected on that... true, I tak dengar lagu Melayu or any lagu for that matter. My world has been *silent* for a long time. Taking cue from that, I salin semua lagu Melayu from Amt's laptop... now I can proudly say that the mp3 compilation in my car is 80% lagu Melayu ;) I guess I'm just a bit picky on the tunes that I listen to... and dulu2 tak banyak lagu Melayu in the genre I like. Tapi since I've been a music hermit... don't know what's available out there. Now I do...
Dzeelfa wrote on her blog... "My mouth water everytime I read Uji's entry on food. Siap gambar2 lagi". Hehe... sorry dear, for making you salivate. And Mymot pulak kata "Macam mana nak loose weight, asyik makan je". Well... the way I see it, makan2 is a social thing... and while we're at it, might as well put in good food into the mouth ;) Gambar and review tu untuk panduan for those yang nak cari idea where to eat... and as a compromise, I'll take smaller portions.
Dua hari lepas, Sarimah asked whether nak join dia pergi photography class. Yes please! Before I make that investment on a SLR camera, kena belajar ambik gambar dulu. Nanti bila pandai, boleh lah add another activity... bersantai sambil meng-click :)
Well... here's to more exciting times ahead! 8-D
1 comment:
RMM nak pegi amik course photography ke?? seronoknya......nak joinnnn
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