DZ’s opah passed away yesterday. She was 86… maybe sakit tua kut. Al-fatihah..
So that made it three…
I had wanted to write to DZ but was already running late. Usually I’m ready to go the night before, even if it means sleeping at 3am. But last night I was just too tired… sleep overcame me. Packing had to wait until the morning…
So DZ, if you’re reading this… my deepest condolences to you. I don’t know how close you were to your Opah… didn’t even know that you call your grandma Opah. Selalunya orang Perak je yang guna that gelaran.
If you’re feeling down… go ahead. Cry your eyes out… tears are meant to aid you to release emotions. Although you can’t be home to see her for the last time, just remember that it is your prayers that count the most. We’re fortunate that photographs lasts forever… and keep holding on to the wonderful memories that you’ve had together.
I’m actually writing this on the plane… about to reach Taipei. And MANY more hours to get to LA.
This is a first… I’ve never really written or used a laptop while on a flight. Usually it’s just movie, tido, makan… Well, usually pun I travel for holidays, so apa ke hal pulak nak angkut laptop kan? But even when I travel for work, I rarely bawa a laptop. And when I do, it usually stays in the overhead compartment sampai lah it is time to get off the plane.
Also did another first on this flight… melaksanakan rukun Islam yang ke-2. I confess… I’ve always taken it lightly when flying. Berdosanya daku… And it wasn’t that hard pun. Space is provided (if you’re flying Malaysia Airlines lah)… siap dengan curtain lagi. The only hard part is maneuvering in the tiny cubicle they call toilet untuk berwudhu. After witnessing such a breathtaking sunset… terpanggil olehNya…
Oops… need to go. We’re getting ready to land.
Only in Taiwan...
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