Friday, April 18, 2008

until my final day...

I am tired... exhausted to be exact.

Stayed back late at the office today and didn't reach home until past 10pm. Had to finish some stuff for the volunteer thing that I'm involved in. It was due last week but I just hadn't had the time to do it. But I had to get it done by hook or by crook... lagi delay lagi tak terbuat.

And it was a time spent well... had to write some summaries and a report. Am pretty happy with the report. Tried to write a la reporter this time... hope people will like it. And get motivated to get involved... that's the goal.

Today and yesterday were busy busy busy at work. Yesterday I had meetings back to back and overlapping... from lunch (yes... lunch meeting) all the way until 5:45pm. Pergi satu, keluar, masuk lagi satu, keluar, another one... by the time I got back to my desk, other stuff needing immediate attention was in my mailbox. To prepare notes for BigBoss... utk meeting hari ni. That plus amending a speech for BigBoss and clearing presentation slides for a discussion group today.

Today not that different... pagi2 I went through the notes for BigBoss, followed by a coaching session for my staff who will be making the presentation later in the evening. Habis je discussion, got a call to see ABB to brief him on the paper. Came down had a meeting on an IT project. Meeting ended in time for me to check on the notes for BigBoss before leaving for lunch at SouledOut. Got back to office, replied to emails requiring attention and then pergi the discussion session. Habis 5.30pm... I was already in no mood to do more work but I knew that I had to get that writeups for the volunteer thing done. So I spent 2+ hours drafting... The carpark was empty when I got to the basement. Luckily the lights were still on...

Today I took some ppl from the office out... farewell treat. The first of three. The day to say goodbye is nearing... FAST! Throughout this week I've receiving remarks in a variety of ways regarding the impending move on a daily basis... somedays sampai beberapa kali... Things like "this will be the last presentation", "get it done before you go", "sekarang mcm trend orang pindah across the floor", "kenapa orang tak nak datang sini? and people are leaving?", "although you're leaving... think about what we should do", "you no longer have a local standi...", "are you packing?" and banyak lagi.

Why are people thinking that I'm in a "can't wait to go and leave this place" mood? If only they know how I feel inside... As I've mentioned to 3 ppl last Monday, I shall serve until the last day. Until that day comes, I am still here wholeheartedly.

Whenever these types of questions or remarks are made, I malas nak respond. Especially if it is received from this one particular person. No matter what I say, dia will still kata the same, repeatedly, at different occasions and times. I don't know... is it to show dia punya dissatisfaction or is it just dia punya way to let me know that dia will miss me? haha... that would be something ;)

I belum rasa lagi... but I think next week will be the crunch. And I need to start thinking about that speech... just in case they ingat my promise.

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