Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Today someone made the comment again "You speak very diplomatically".


It wasn't very long ago that I had *angered* people for being a bit too blunt with my comments. I was in my 20s days... I said what was in my heart, and I got *scolded* for being tactless.

My take of the whole incident... some people just can't take criticism ;) But I still sought some advice from K Pi who said something to the effect of "you're still young..."

I guess it comes with the job. I've been told that I am at times rather vocal with my views by my mom. Maybe that's it... I'm quite diplomatic when it comes to work, but if it is something that is personal or close to my heart... no more tapis-tapis.

Today is Earth Day. Early in the morning I sent email to my colleagues encouraging them to do something to *save* the Earth. If not for good, at least for the day lah... And for my effort, someone wished me "Thank you Earth angel" :)

I'm not your most environmentally friendly person. I don't car pool, I still use plastic bag when I shop... but I do realise that we need to do something. I try to do my part... I've managed to persuade ppl in my dept to use normal plates for our departmental makan2 instead of those super unfriendly disposable plates. I use tipuware for my tapau food at the office. I recycle paper at work. Small small things... I strongly believe that those small can add up and make things better.

Tonight I watched The Inconvenient Truth. I'm so glad I did and I hope many more did as well and will change their behaviour/habits. No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.

On a related note, I found this wonderful quote... will use it for my volunteer thing
How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these
- George Washington Carver

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