It's so nice to be in the company of the people that you consider as part of your extended family... smiles all round, 'hi' from almost everyone, and sitting with people that you're on the same *wavelength* with. We wouldn't be our *normal* selves without some friendly banter and harmless poking fun.
The conversation started around the idea of AHB wearing speedos and how that should be avoided, haha... we told him that he should dress according to his *age* and that such sight was enough to turn off *selera* :p Rare are occurences and relationships where you can talk to your boss like that. But he took it as it was, knowing that we didn't mean any harm... although maybe dia terasa sikit kut coz he didn't eat much. Trying to get in shape to wear that speedo confidently? hahahaha
Lepas tu we teased CWT endlessly about his failure to give us the *traditional obligatory treat*... a custom for 10A that all newcomers yg baru confirm kena belanja the dept. He's several months late and for that he shall be punished! Nothing less than Hilton or ShangRi-La now... SHH and I demanded
We then talked about operations and falling sick... to which ZAR disclosed that he was a patient of NSY's surgeon hubby. When he said that, we immediately knew which area on his body that was affected. To which he quickly (rather too quickly I think, hmmm...) that it wasn't a problem in THAT area. Half blushing he quickly recounted his experience, in the hope of avoiding further embarassment. That did not work because we went on to tease him when he accidently slipped and said he had a child after the operation ;p
JL was teased about wanting to eat *posh* nasi ayam... while SHH got teased about taking leave yesterday which coincided with her hubby returning from a long trip overseas (although we all knew that it was actually because her son was not well, but that didn't stop us, hehe).
I invited them for breakfast tomorrow... giving a treat to the new dept, but sambil tu ajak lah the gang from next door plus the usual crew. When asked why, I just said "saje..." (which was really the reason... I had in fact no real reason other than wanting to have a par-tay). SHH teased to say that it was to mark that my move has been firmed up... when ZAR suddenly dropped the bombshell and said "coz she's coming back". Huh? Two pairs of eyes looked at each other knowingly with a little smirk from one. My response... "that's news to me". That conversation ended there...
After that we talked about George and Brad and other gorgeous men... I really can't recall how we ended up discussing that topic to be honest. Oh now I remember... I said to AHB, don't lah wear speedos until he has a body like Brad. To which he asked... "Who do you think is better looking? Brad Pitt or George Clooney?"
"Brad Pitt"... the answer came straight out of my mouth. "But I'd rather date George" I declared. Lepas tu I bisik to ZAR "Because I can't compete with Angelina, haha". "Then I'll date Angelina" he announced :) Us and our angan-angan...
Somehow all the men at the table was of the view that George was the better looking one, that he's more charming... that's something I don't hear often. Men commenting about the gorgeousness of George and Brad, hahahaha. Then the ladies went on to talk about James Bond... how Sean Connery is THE one. To which the men also uninamously agreed ( :o what was it with those guys today?) I added on and said, "Daniel Craig is yummy" sambil menikmati sago melaka. "Yummy huh? hmmm...." responded AHB with a smirk. There goes my reputation... CWT, AHB and ZAR now all know that I lust after men, hahahaha
Lunchtime went by very quickly and soon we had to return to the office. Drove back with SHH... during which I told her that I miss FSD.
Oh yes... talking about speedos. Yesterday we had a belated birthday celebration for AAA. Found someone at the office who bakes and can decorate cakes... so I order him a cake dgn gambar orang pakai swimming trunks. Tapi dia baik... tak draw speedo but instead a bermuda. The usual crew were there on 19B... DBB#3, NSY, ARG, MM, SHH, MZ, ZCD, SBA... yang missing cuma NAMN & CKL who had a meeting. Riuh betul I tell you!! Sampai ada lah orang tanya K Lizza "apa yang bising2 tu". Oopss!
I've said it before and I say it again... I have wonderful friends at work! One of the main factors why I enjoy being there...
Tadi tengok CSI season finale. Warwick is dead!! huaaaaaarrgh.... There goes another of my object of lust :(
But that's not the reason why I brought the topic up. You see, at the end of the episode (before he gets *popped*), they had a scene where Grissom, Warwick, Catherine, Nick and Greg were having breakfast together and enjoying each others' company. That scene reminds me of the lunches that I often have with my own gang. The atmosphere and group dynamics are very similar. How we all support each other in various ways... have discussions on work and non-work related matters, plan for outings together. As I said... my extended family.
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