Saturday, January 19, 2008

why can't some people just follow instructions?


Drawings dah buat, dinding pun dah tanda... tapi still tak ikut instructions. I just don't understand why some people are so dungu. Takkan lah every single thing pun I have to tunjuk and duduk tengok they all buat. Kata dah banyak buat rumah... buat rumah besar. Hmph... tapi execution not up to expectations.

The other day I came home horrified to see that they've put on the tiles wrong. They're trying to be *smart* and do the easy thing. Smart my ass! Where did they put their brains... on their knee? Bloody hell... Papa and I had to spend almost 2 hours hacking the tiles, to take them off before the cement keras. OK... that I can almost understand since it was done by the labourer and Wak tak perasan. Labourers are labourers for a reason....

Tapi today I've really been tested. The work was done by Wak himself. The man is supposed to know what to do. When I make *noise*, I'm told to let him be... "Dia tahu lah apa nak buat. Dah banyak dah rumah dia buat. He has his own style".

But when I let him be, this is the result. F*%$!! Despite the repeated instructions, put down on paper lagi, tampal-ed on the door to enter the bathroom, drawn on the wall... STILL SALAH!

What am I supposed to do? Sit down in front of them and monitor them tepek cement scoop by scoop?

I need to calm down before I talk to him tomorrow... but right I just feel like screaming!

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