It has been a while since I last blogged. So many things have happened since... some contributing to the long hiatus. Each day as I drive home, I have these ideas about what to write, experiences to share etc etc but I fail miserably. Someone should invent a machine that I can just cucuk on my head and the thoughts would nicely translate into a blog entry.
Gosh... where do I start?
OK... let's start from today and see what I can recall. A test of sorts to see how much brain cells I have left.
I woke up not too early but not late either. Have an appointment... my dear ex-boss and good friend, the wonderful ARG and wife invited me over to their (relatively) new home. Actually, it was more of me self-inviting haha. Was supposed to visit them during Raya but since I wasn't feeling well, we had to postpone the visit. And on Friday I somewhat managed to secure myself an invite to their home.
Wasn't hard to find the lovely Laman Oakleaf with the aid of my trusted Garmin which Aunty Yan pulangkan semalam after their holidays in Australia. They have a lovely home and in such nice surroundings. Lovely home for such a lovely family :)
Went with Mama and Papa... Ina and Amt were supposed to follow but they were still in slumber when we left. Malas nak tunggu plus I was already late.
Had nasi lemak yang enak (my second for the days since Papa also bought us nasi lemak for breakfast) and chatted pasal economy, hotel chains, house renovations, people dan macam2 lagi. Dekat2 nak pukul 2 baru balik.
Arrived home just in time to catch the Shanghai GP race. A boring race... and my least favoured driver won. Hmph! K Ore and Abg Radzi dropped by after attending a wedding in Sg Buluh. Serve kuih raya je lah...
Lepas tu Ina ajak keluar makan. I was still full but wanted to follow coz I had some other missions as well.
But first... pergi Darabif. It was raining heavily but that didn't stop us empat beradik. After that we went to HSC... to go boring 1901. For those of you yang tak tahu, 1901 has a special offer on every 19th of the month. Their chicago beef and NY chicken selling at 1.99 each je. I also wanted to go buy a new DVD player kat SenQ since my Toba dah rosak. Kebetulan they had a sale, so I also bought an Electrolux vacumm cleaner too.
Tonight I was on a chick flick movie marathon. Watched Definitely Maybe and Notting Hill. Two of my favourite cerita cinta. Dunno why, but I've been in a mood for such movies lately... since watching Sense & Sensibilities on Astro several nights back. My darling friends before you start speculating, it is purely for entertainment.
Actually, this weekend the theme has been tengok movie. Yesterday I watched Mamma Mia which I think is simply brilliant and Hot Fuzz... British comedy at its best. I've not laughed that loud for a long time!
Yesterday morning I had a mission. The place: Kg Laksamana Batu Caves. The target: hardcore poor family. The mission: distribute barang makanan keperluan asas. Have been working on Deepavali Sharing project since lepas Raya and yesterday was the project implementation day. Me and Thomas were the only non Indian there but we felt like we were part of the team. Worked with Sai Ananda group, whose Batu Caves chairman happen to be one of our colleagues at work. They organised the recipients and volunteers. I'm very impressed with the community work that Ayavoo does and his helpers too. They've got a good thing going... volunteers from kids as young as 10 and adults. They cooked (before distribute barang, the poor were treated to some yummy lunch... I was invited too, and believe me it was yummy!!), we worked with the kids to pack the barang and distribute. I was really amazed with what RM100 can get you. I worked with Giant Selayang to get the items and they gave us a special price with free delivery too. Basically each family got 10kg beras, 5kg minyak masak, 4kg gula, 3 bungkus mihun, 3 tin susu pekat, generic milo 400gm, 1 botol 2L cordial, 2kg dhal, 4 bungkus kari powder, 2 bungkus cream crackers. That should help sustain for a month or so. Suffice to say, I went home feeling very good :)
The more I do these things, the more I realise that there are so many people in need of help out there. But as Thomas and I came to realise while we were chatting, not many people actually come forward to do volunteer work. It is always the same faces. Where are the rest?
I admit... before this pun I'm one of the culprits. But now dah insaf... there's so much that can be done. Watching Oprah's Big Give last night helped strengthen my resolve. I should do more of these things and get more people involved. My goal is to convince people to spend 2 weekends a year to do some charity work. If I can get 500 people je pun that would be awesome.
Tapi biasa lah... nak buat benda baik ni banyak dugaannya. But I also believe, and have experienced it first hand, that when you tengah nak buat benda baik, God will pave the way and make things easier for you. Many surprises along the way that make you think back and smile...
Come join me!!