Sunday, July 13, 2008

shopping mall near your home... a boon or a bane?

Those of you who have been to my house recently would know that there is now a hotel next door and a shopping mall too. Dulu jalan kat hujung tu dead end, but now it has become a thoroughfare. Agak busy lah juga dengan pelbagai kereta, bas persiaran, trak askar ferrying kids to and from school. Paling busy during weekends when there is a wedding at the dewan serbaguna kat belakang the hotel.

I like that the road is now connected straight to Petronas... bila time pasar malam or bulan puasa, I don't have to endure the excrutiatingly slow traffic to get to my house. Sometimes it used to take longer than the journey from the office sampai Jalan Jambu Mawar. Now dah ada alternative route. Cuma, that also means that depan rumah we all dah jadi busy...

The shopping mall tu dah buka but most shoplots are still undergoing renovations. The thing that I'm most excited about is that there is a cinema there (yes!! now no need to go to Cineleisure to catch the latest flick... jalan 2 minit je dah sampai), there's a bowling alley, ada fitness centre... and the thing that Mama would be most excited about, ada Giant. Basically... we'll literally have everything that we need next door. Ina and I went to watch Hellboy2 kat the Star Cinema today. The place is nice... like any other cineplexes. Cuma hari tu sejuk ya amat... sbb tak ramai orang sangat kut. Not many know of its existence... heck, I live next door and baru je find out today bila baca paper. According to the popcorn sales person, they opened about 2 weeks ago.

Again... with all those conveniences, come the inconveniences. As it is now pun, the jalan depan rumah dah busy. Banyak orang park kereta in front of our house making it more leceh to get in and out. I can't imagine how it would be bila Giant dah buka nanti. Havoc lah nampaknya...

I guess it's just one of life's give and take...

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