Today, bila nak hang the new baju in my wardrobe, I realised why I haven't been shopping. I already have too many clothes!! Kalau wardrobe and hangers tu boleh menjerit, agaknya I will scream "stop stuffing us!" :p
I also realised that I shouldn't buat any more new baju kurung since I'm running out of hangers. So what? One might ask. Just get more hangers. You see, I'm a bit of "looney" when it comes to hanging my bajus. They must be in specific types of hangers, arranged according to colour. A good mechanism to prevent me from buat too many baju baru since I'm restricted by the number of hangers that I have... and those hangers I brought back from Australia dulu. Sini takde... well, I've not come across any lah.
It's an illness I realised... Uji and her obsessive nature with hangers. Oh well... one must have some vices.
So OK... no more shopping or buat baju baru for me. Unless if I do some spring cleaning and hand over my clothes to another home.
Except for that 3 pieces of kain yang dah dibeli and tinggal nak hantar kat tailot je, hehehe...
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