Story 1
Ina and I were on our way home from tarawikh at Masjid Wilayah when we suddenly heard keletuk… keletak… keletuk… keletak…
“Bunyi apa tu Ina?”
“Eh… apa tu?” she pointed at an object on the passenger seat windscreen.
“That’s my shoe!” Kebetulan we were stopping at a traffic light. “Cepat Ina… ambik”
She quickly opened the door and grabbed the shoe, just in time before the lights turn green.
“Macam mana lah boleh ada kat situ…” and we giggled at what had happened.
Then my mind started thinking of various theories. “Maybe masa Ina nak keluar kereta, you tertendang my shoe out kut”. I usually place my shoe on the passenger seat. “Nasib baik ada orang baik letakkan atas kereta”
“Ha’ah… nasib baik tak jatuh and kita langgar sampai patah”, Ina added with a laugh.
Alhamdulillah… my brown Clarks were saved. Berkat bulan Ramadan =)
Story 2
“u there?”
“jom buka puasa at Tamarind Springs… with eVo and G.O.D”
“ok… as long as tak lambat mcm last year”
“ha’ah… takpe, zoe boleh jaga meja”
It was not about lambat buka puasa, but lambat solat Maghrib sampai ter“miss”… makan punya hal.
So… not wanting a repeat, I carefully watched my watch as we devoured the delicious spread. At 7:55pm I quickly left the group and headed for the nearby surau, aided by my trusted Garmin. Itu pun kena reverse 2 kali coz ter miss junction.
As I walked towards the surau, my eyes quickly searched for area perempuan. Seeing a green tabir, I quickly headed there. It was small… very small in fact. Why so small? my little heart wondered. But seeing that it’s already past 8pm, I ignored the peculiarity.
Tengah nak pakai telekung, a young boy approached me “Kak… saf perempuan kat bangunan belah sana” (side note: he called me kak! What a thrill… having being called makcik so often nowadays ;p )
“Kat mana? Boleh tunjukkan?”
“Kat situ” he pointed. “Akak boleh lalu kat sini” as he guided me.
“Terima kasih dik” I thanked him with a smile.
As I walked back to my car, I tersenyum sendiri. Shouldn’t be so gopoh… even if it is to buat benda baik. A good lesson learnt in Ramadan.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Ramadan al-Mubarak !
Ramadan is the month during which the Quran was revealed, providing guidance for the people, clear teachings, and the statute book. Those of you who witness this month shall fast therein. Those who are ill or traveling may substitute the same number of other days. Allah wishes for you convenience, not hardship, that you may fulfill your obligations, and to glorify Allah for guiding you, and to express your appreciation
(Al-Baqarah 2:185)
Rasulullah SAW said: Surely, the month of Ramadan is a great one. Allah multiplies in it the good deeds, erases in it the sins and elevates in it the ranks
Am really looking forward to Ramadan... and hope that I'll be better this year.
My Ramadan planner checklist
» Sahur
Hadith Rasulullah SAW:
“Make sure to have your sahur meal, for sahur is blessed” – Al-Bukhari & Muslim
“The difference between our fasting and that of the People of the Book is the sahur meal” – Muslim
» Solat fardu berjemaah
Hadith Rasulullah SAW:
“Offering prayer in congregation carries 27 times greater reward than offering it alone” – Al-Bukhari & Muslim
“He who offers Isha’ prayer in congregation is just like one who spends half the night in voluntary prayer, and if he then also offers Fajr prayer in congregation, it is like he spends the whole night in voluntary prayer” – Muslim
“Whoever performed wudhu’ well and then went to the mosque, but found that the people have finished the congregational prayer will have bestowed upon him by Allah the same reward as those who had offered the prayer in congregation” – Abu Daud & An-Nasa’i
» Solat sunat rawatib
Hadith Rasulullah SAW: “Allah prepares a house in Paradise for every believer who offers 12 rakaat of voluntary prayer everyday beyond which is obligatory for him” – Muslim
» Zikir
Hadith Rasulullah SAW: “The best kind of remembrance to Allah is ‘La ilaha illallah’ ” – At-Tirmidhi
Dan sebutlah nama Tuhanmu pada waktu pagi dan petang, dan pada sebahagian dari malam, maka sujudlah kepadaNya dan bertasbihlah kepadaNya pada bahagian yang panjang di malam hari – Al Insan, 76: 25 & 26
Dan sebutlah nama Tuhanmu dalam hatimu dgn merendahkan diri dan rasa takut, dan dgn tidak meninggikan suara, di waktu pagi dan petang, dan janganlah kamu termasuk orang-orang yang lalai – Al A’raf, 7:205
Orang-orang yang mengingati Allah sambil berdiri atau duduk atau dalam keadaan berbaring dan mereka memikirkan tentang penciptaan langit dan bumi (seraya berkata) “Ya Tuhan kami, tiadalah Engkau menciptakan ini dengan sia-sia, Maha Suci Engkau, maka peliharalah kami dari siksa neraka – Al Imran 3:191
» Membaca al-Quran
Hadith Rasulullah SAW:
“Read the Quran, for it will come forward on the Day of Resurrection to intercede for its readers” – Muslim
“He who recites the Quran fluently will be in the company of the noble and virtuous angels, and he who recites the Quran haltingly and with difficulty will have a double reward” – Al-Bukhari & Muslim
“When a person recites one letter from the Quran it is one good deed, but brings rewards equal to ten good deeds. I do not meen “alif, laam, meem” is one letter, but “alif” is one letter, “laam” is one letter and “meem” is one letter” – At-Tirmidhi
When the Quran is read, listen to it with attention and hold your peace that ye may receive Mercy – Al-A’raf 7:204
» Doa sebelum dan selepas makan
Hadith Rasulullah SAW: “The thankful eater is like the person fasting patiently” – At-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah & Darimi
» Solat sunat tarawikh, sunat tahajjud, sunat hajat, sunat taubat
Hadith Rasulullah SAW: “Sesiapa yang mengerjakan Qiyamu Ramadan (menghidupkan malamnya dengan mengerjakan sembahyang) semata-mata kerana iman dan mengharap ganjaran dari Allah, maka diampuni dosa-dosanya yang lampau” – Abu Hurairah
» Solat sunat witir
Hadith Rasulullah SAW: “Sesungguhnya Allah itu witir (ganjil), dan Dia menyukai witir, maka lazimkanlah solat witir, wahai ahli Al-Quran” – Abu Daud, At-Tirmidhi
» Niat puasa dan beristigfar sebelum tidur
Hadith Rasulullah SAW: “Allah accepts the repentance of a man as long as he is not at a point of death” – Ibn Majah, An-Nasa’i
» Bersedekah
Hadith Rasulullah SAW: “A generous person is close to Allah, close to Paradise, close to people and far away from Hell. A miser is far from Allah, far from Paradise, far from people and close to Hell. An ordinary, generous person is dearer to Allah than a religious miser” – At-Tirmidhi
Have a blessed Ramadan everyone!!
(Al-Baqarah 2:185)
Rasulullah SAW said: Surely, the month of Ramadan is a great one. Allah multiplies in it the good deeds, erases in it the sins and elevates in it the ranks
Am really looking forward to Ramadan... and hope that I'll be better this year.
My Ramadan planner checklist
» Sahur
Hadith Rasulullah SAW:
“Make sure to have your sahur meal, for sahur is blessed” – Al-Bukhari & Muslim
“The difference between our fasting and that of the People of the Book is the sahur meal” – Muslim
» Solat fardu berjemaah
Hadith Rasulullah SAW:
“Offering prayer in congregation carries 27 times greater reward than offering it alone” – Al-Bukhari & Muslim
“He who offers Isha’ prayer in congregation is just like one who spends half the night in voluntary prayer, and if he then also offers Fajr prayer in congregation, it is like he spends the whole night in voluntary prayer” – Muslim
“Whoever performed wudhu’ well and then went to the mosque, but found that the people have finished the congregational prayer will have bestowed upon him by Allah the same reward as those who had offered the prayer in congregation” – Abu Daud & An-Nasa’i
» Solat sunat rawatib
Hadith Rasulullah SAW: “Allah prepares a house in Paradise for every believer who offers 12 rakaat of voluntary prayer everyday beyond which is obligatory for him” – Muslim
» Zikir
Hadith Rasulullah SAW: “The best kind of remembrance to Allah is ‘La ilaha illallah’ ” – At-Tirmidhi
Dan sebutlah nama Tuhanmu pada waktu pagi dan petang, dan pada sebahagian dari malam, maka sujudlah kepadaNya dan bertasbihlah kepadaNya pada bahagian yang panjang di malam hari – Al Insan, 76: 25 & 26
Dan sebutlah nama Tuhanmu dalam hatimu dgn merendahkan diri dan rasa takut, dan dgn tidak meninggikan suara, di waktu pagi dan petang, dan janganlah kamu termasuk orang-orang yang lalai – Al A’raf, 7:205
Orang-orang yang mengingati Allah sambil berdiri atau duduk atau dalam keadaan berbaring dan mereka memikirkan tentang penciptaan langit dan bumi (seraya berkata) “Ya Tuhan kami, tiadalah Engkau menciptakan ini dengan sia-sia, Maha Suci Engkau, maka peliharalah kami dari siksa neraka – Al Imran 3:191
» Membaca al-Quran
Hadith Rasulullah SAW:
“Read the Quran, for it will come forward on the Day of Resurrection to intercede for its readers” – Muslim
“He who recites the Quran fluently will be in the company of the noble and virtuous angels, and he who recites the Quran haltingly and with difficulty will have a double reward” – Al-Bukhari & Muslim
“When a person recites one letter from the Quran it is one good deed, but brings rewards equal to ten good deeds. I do not meen “alif, laam, meem” is one letter, but “alif” is one letter, “laam” is one letter and “meem” is one letter” – At-Tirmidhi
When the Quran is read, listen to it with attention and hold your peace that ye may receive Mercy – Al-A’raf 7:204
» Doa sebelum dan selepas makan
Hadith Rasulullah SAW: “The thankful eater is like the person fasting patiently” – At-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah & Darimi
» Solat sunat tarawikh, sunat tahajjud, sunat hajat, sunat taubat
Hadith Rasulullah SAW: “Sesiapa yang mengerjakan Qiyamu Ramadan (menghidupkan malamnya dengan mengerjakan sembahyang) semata-mata kerana iman dan mengharap ganjaran dari Allah, maka diampuni dosa-dosanya yang lampau” – Abu Hurairah
» Solat sunat witir
Hadith Rasulullah SAW: “Sesungguhnya Allah itu witir (ganjil), dan Dia menyukai witir, maka lazimkanlah solat witir, wahai ahli Al-Quran” – Abu Daud, At-Tirmidhi
» Niat puasa dan beristigfar sebelum tidur
Hadith Rasulullah SAW: “Allah accepts the repentance of a man as long as he is not at a point of death” – Ibn Majah, An-Nasa’i
» Bersedekah
Hadith Rasulullah SAW: “A generous person is close to Allah, close to Paradise, close to people and far away from Hell. A miser is far from Allah, far from Paradise, far from people and close to Hell. An ordinary, generous person is dearer to Allah than a religious miser” – At-Tirmidhi
Have a blessed Ramadan everyone!!
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